Board Members
Denise Morrison, Board Chair
Keith Carroll, Vice Chair
Jeremy Brewster, Secretary
Chris Wibbenmeyer, Treasurer
Gwen Schweiss, Member
Contacting the board:
You may contact members of the Board of Trustees by emailing or by filling out the contact us form on our website and indicating in the comments that the message is for the board. You may also leave a telephone message with the Director by calling our office at 573-547-6564.
Board of Trustees Meeting:
Board meetings are typically held the third Tuesday of every month at 9 am. Once every six months, the meeting is held at 6 pm. A yearly schedule of upcoming meetings can be found below. Fifteen minutes are allocated at the beginning and end of each monthly meeting for citizen comment. Each speaker has a maximum of two minutes for public comment, with all speakers’ comments not to exceed the fifteen minutes total for each public comment portion of the meeting. A call-in option is also available for citizens to attend meetings. The phone number for the call-in option can be found at the top of each agenda. Agendas for upcoming meetings can be found below.
Documents and Resources: