WIC Program
What is WIC and is it for you?
WIC provides a Supplemental Food package based on the USDA's requirements for quality nutrients. The Women Infant Children (WIC) program is federally funded and governed by the US Department of Agriculture and is operated within State and Federal guidelines.
WIC offers health screening and nutrition education for the opportunity to improve health and increase knowledge of health and nutrition to make changes toward a healthier lifestyle. WIC also provides breastfeeding education and support, lead screenings, and referral to community and health services including, but not limited to, immunizations substance misuse.
WIC Eligibility
- Infants under 1 year
- Children ages 1 to 5 years
- Pregnant women
- Breastfeeding mother
- 6 months post-partum (after delivery) woman
Income guidelines are based on 185 % Poverty Level. Household size must be met and proven. Prenatal women count as two in the household. Income Guidelines change each year in March. Health and Dietary assessments are then used to determine if a client has a qualified Risk Factor for the program. Infants and children are reassessed for eligibility every 6 months.
For additional questions or to make an appointment, call 573-547-6564
WIC Retailers in Perry County, MO 63775
- Walmart
- Rozier's
To find a WIC Office or Retailer in your area, click on the link below,
Perry County Health Department is an equal opportunity provider. For the full disclaimer and nondiscrimination statement for WIC, please visit: https://health.mo.gov/living/families/wic/frauddatalinks/nondiscrimination/