Vital Records

The Perry County Health Department serves as registrar for Perry County through the State of Missouri Bureau of Vital Records. The services are administered per rules and regulations established by the Bureau of Vital Records.
Beginning March 1st, 2011, identification will be required when requesting vital records from the state health department and local health departments throughout Missouri. To obtain a copy of a birth or death certificate, a person must present a document containing a photo, such as a driver's license, passport, or school, work or military identification. If an applicant does not have a photo ID, at least two alternative forms of identification must be presented. The documents must include the applicant's name and the name of the company or organization issuing the document. Requests for vital records submitted by mail must be notarized by a notary public.
The Perry County Health Department may print birth and death certificates for those occurring in the State of Missouri only. Certified copies are available on the following:
Births - After 1920
Deaths - After 1980
Certificates prior to these dates must be requested from the State of Missouri, Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Vital Records.
Current charges are:
$15.00 birth certificate
$14.00 first death certificate ($11.00 for each additional copy requested at the same time as the first certificate)
Certified copies are computer generated and valid for all legal purposes.
False applications for a certified copy of a vital record is a felony punishable by a fine up to $5,000.00, five years in prison or both (RSMo 193.315).
For those born outside the state of Missouri, call the county health department within the state you were born to request a certified copy or a birth certificate.
Perry County Health Department can issue birth certificates for those individuals born in Missouri only. To request a certified copy of a birth or death certificate, send in the correct form (choose below):
When filling out the Application for Birth Certificate, please include "Middle Name" instead of just "Middle Initial" for name on certificate.
Mail the completed form along with a check or money order to:
(We do not accept out of town checks. For out of town/state we accept money orders for mail in request and in person we accept money orders or debit cards.)
Perry County Health Department
406 N. Spring Street, Suite 1
Perryville, MO 63775
Certificates may also be ordered from:
Missouri Dept. of Health, Bureau of Vital Records
930 Wildwood, PO Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102